The Story
When Bobby and Freda immigrated to Canada with their seven children, Bobby came over with a dream. He had always dreamt of opening his own Scottish pub, and often spoke of doing so with his daughter Monica; it would be in essence, a piece of Scotland that they could always carry with them.
Unfortunately, Bobby did not live long enough to see his dream come to fruition, he and his wife Freda passed away far too young. Monica shared in her father’s dream, and found solace in the ability to build it into something magical and truly inspiring. She was unable to open a pub with her father, but nothing would stop her from opening it for him and in tribute to the wonderful person he was. Both Bobby’s and Freda’s memories and essence are profoundly grounded in the foundation that is Bobby’s Place today, we hope you will raise a glass with us in loving memory of them the next time you pop in!
Slainte Mhath!
The Heart
The Mind
John Robert (Bobby) Cullen
The Soul